Peruvian Chavez will be part in the FIS Snowboard World Championships in Park City

Victor Chavez, current world champion in the slalom and boardercross modality of the InterSands Sandboard World Cup 2017, will realize his dream of participating in a world championship of snowboarding – UTAH 2019.

But it would not be the first time he gets a quota to participate in a world event in the snow, the Peruvian in 2013 postulated for a wild card which was accepted by the FIS – International Ski Federation, to participate in the World Championships in Stoneham -Canada, unfortunately, the lack of experience of the athlete at that time, caused that he will be injured on the second day of having arrived (he tried to try slopestyle tracks which was a modality that he had never trained in the snow).

Now his classification has been thanks to his own merits and we hope that in this opportunity and after 6 years of more frequent experience in the snow; Victor can achieve his dream.

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